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Website design

To pop-up or not?

Toast pops up
Is it stretching things too much to say that nobody likes pop-ups on web pages? Well, some people must like them, because they're very common. At times they seem to be baked into half the pages on the Web. And if you're a developer wanting people to stick with your site, they must seem like a very good idea. You put something right in front of the reader that they can't ignore, making it dead...

Your Business Website…

business website
Before we start work on your business website... It's very tempting to think of your business website as a branch office. It's part of your business, sure, but someone else runs it day-to-day. You only need to step in when things go wrong. In most cases, though, that really isn't a valid analogy. The website is a core part of your business. In the future it may even become the main cha...